Hi All,
As more regular readers of the Bunney Blog will be aware our 'Wedding Suit Hire' business has grown dramatically over recent years. This is great news for our business however we have reached our capacity. This means that although it is early in the season we have limited availability for certain ranges and certain weekends.
The ranges which are most affected are:
They are some of the ranges which are affected but others may be affected also.
We also have limited availability for the following weekends:
May 1st - 2nd
May 8th - 9th
May 22nd - 23rd
May 29th - 30th
June 5th - 6th
June 11th - 12th
June 19th - 20th
June 25th - 26th
July 3rd - 4th
July 31st - August 1st
Please be aware that we are still booking suits for these weekends at the moment, however some ranges are NOT available. If you require suits for the weekends stated above or suits from the above ranges please telephone to check availability. TEL: 02085941654 or email.
Thank You
Kind Regards