Friday 12 September 2014

2015 - Wedding Suit Hire - A few announcements.

Hi Everyone.

As you are probably aware our 'Wedding Suit Hire' business is always incredibly busy, and 2014 was certainly no exception.  Once again most weekends were so heavily booked that we were forced to 'Fully Book' them.  Which is incredible! Our little business being so very busy really does make us all feel honoured and proud.

I personally believe one of the reasons we are so busy, is that our potential customers can feel how passionately we care about our business.  They get a sense of how hard we work on developing new ranges and new services.  I think our clients really appreciate how hard we work to keep the business moving forward, they appreciate our enthusiasm and sometimes I think they admire how we really care about what we do!

It has long been our tradition here at Jack Bunneys to always move forward, to always develop or evolve our business, constantly making minor changes to create a small niche business that is unique in a market crowded with clones.

It is with that in mind that we have the following announcements to make in regards to our 2015 'Wedding Suit Hire' service.

1.  The Cambridge (Edward Jacket) suit will no longer be available for hire.    This 3/4 length style of coat has long been the standard wedding suit for large hire companies.  It has come represent the usual or the standard and as such we are dropping it from our range.

As of 2015 this style will be unavailable.
2.  Fancy/Swirly waistcoats will no longer be available from Jack Bunneys in our wedding suit hire range.   As of 2015 we will not have any stock of this style of waistcoat to hire.  We will have a range of waistcoats but not swirly polyester shiny waistcoats.
As of 2015 this style will be unavailable for hire

3.  As of 2015 we will also not have ruche style of cravats available for hire.   They will be available to purchase if required but our hire department will no longer be stocking them.
This style of cravat will not be available to hire in 2015

4.  We will no longer be attending Wedding Fayres/Fairs.  In 2015 we will not be attending wedding fayres.  
No more wedding fayres in 2015
  5.  We will no longer be advertising in print.  We will no longer be advertising in magazines or newspapers.  We will also no longer be offering a paper brochure.  Over the last 4 years we have been using a digital alternative, and giving away a DVD rom with our images.  However it has become apparent this is no longer required.  In 2015 we will be announcing a new digital alternative to a traditional brochure.  More details to be announced soon.

All marketing or advertising will be strictly digital.   Wedding Blogs, Wedding Forums,  Websites,  Social Media and any and all online markets.

No more paper brochure or DVD in 2015

Those are the things that we will not be doing in 2015!   But what are the things that we WILL be doing?    Well we do have some wonderful new products being created right now.    I am afraid that at present I am not able to show you any images or even share the details.  However we will be adding to our 'Wedding Suit Hire' service with new ranges and products.  We will also be adding to our 'Bespoke/Hire' service and creating some unique and unusual 'Made to Order' ranges to purchase.

I can guarantee however the following ranges will be available in our Wedding Suit Hire service for 2015:

1. York
Available to hire for 2015 

Available to hire for 2015

Available to hire for 2015

2.  Harrogate
Available to hire for 2015

Available to hire for 2015

Available to hire for 2015

3. Worcester 
Available for hire 2015

Available for hire 2015
Available for hire 2015

4. Oxford Premium 
Available for hire 2015

Available for hire 2015

Available for hire 2015

All of the ranges mentioned above will definitely be available for hire in 2015 and can be booked now.    Any ranges not mentioned are currently under consideration and will only be available if there is demand.

At least one new range will be added for 2015.  (awaiting images)

New waistcoat ranges will be added for 2015. (awaiting images)

A new Bespoke/Hire service will be announced in 2015 (awaiting images)

A new 'Made to Order' design will be available for 2015 (awaiting images)

A new selection of Made to Measure designs will be available for 2015 (awaiting images).

A new digital alternative to a paper brochure and our promo DVD will be announced soon.

That is all of our news so far for our 2015 Wedding Season.  We will of course keep you posted.

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