Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Philosophy of a Jack Bunney

With every business and in life generally it is always worthwhile having a purpose.  It gives a direction in which to head, an opportunity to reach goals and achieve them.  A 'purpose' can be as simple or as complicated as you make it.  I would imagine that most small businesses see survival as a pretty good 'purpose' and in this current climate who can blame them.   Some small businesses will no doubt see their 'purpose' as making money, earning a living is essential to us all after all.  But as small business owners we have an opportunity to do more than that, survival and earning a living are noble enough and without those essential components of small business ownership the economy would be in an even larger mess than it is at present, but we have a chance do something that others before us have never done, to forge new paths and create our own destines, aside from the trials of national and global economy.

Being small gives us the opportunity to try new things, with relatively little cost, being small means we do not have to answer to shareholders or be responsible for 1000's of employees and their families.  Being a small business owner gives the greatest flexibility of all, we can adapt to new markets, new opportunities wherever we find them.  Being small means we have options and choices only limited by our imaginations and budgets.

With all this choice at our fingertips we need direction, clarification of where we stand, what direction should we follow, which choices are the right ones and which best suit us the small business owners.  This is why I have always thought it worthwhile to stop and think about where you are and where you are going and more importantly why you are going there!  It is not always an easy task, finding the time to stop at all is not always easy when you are running a busy small business, but to stop, analyse and discuss your business and its future can be not only time consuming but quite gruelling.   Self assessment can be harsh at times, pride in yourself and your achievements can sometimes prevent a realistic view of where your business stands in a crowded market place.

It is with that in mind that we at Jack Bunneys often sit down and have a discussion about the business, where it is going, where we are going as individuals and our hopes and dreams for the industry as a whole.  After our latest discussions we have decided to write a short list of things which we are passionate about, things which we think identify our business.  These are our beliefs, these are things that we hold true, our philosophy, if you will.

1. We believe every consumer has the right to individuality.
2. We believe that every consumer should be treated with respect.
3. We believe adults should be treated as such.
4. We believe that this respect should be mutual.
5. We believe in striving for perfection.
6. We believe working hard can lead to excellent results.
7. We believe personal style should come from within.
8. We believe in being different, but not for being different's sake.
9. We believe that traditions are there to be broken but also understood and respected.
10. We believe that knowledge, understanding and an attention to detail is the key in all things.
11. We believe there is another way.
12. We believe in our extraordinary customers.

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