Tuesday 21 October 2008

The Real MCCOY!!! (Brown Wedding Suit)

Hi All,

In my browsings around the interweb, I have come across a site which is using (illegally) an image from our website. This image was shot in our shop by ourselves on a digital camera. The suit that is pictured is a suit which was designed by ourselves and our German Supplier Wilvorst and is therefore exclusive to us.

Please be made aware that if any website other than http://www.jackbunneys.co.uk/ or http://www.clothing-for-men.com/ are trying to sell a suit using this image, it is a fake! and no doubt you will be ripped with an inferior product!

That is my rant for the day over.

Please do not be fooled.




Unknown said...

Im seriously looking for this suit!!!!!

Unknown said...

Where can i find this suit (the real mccoy) to purchase?